Reasons for Taking the Bus
1. It's exciting to zoom down streets, screech around corners, and watch other vehicles give way out of respect while clutching to a handrail in a death grip and trying to keep both feet on the floor.
2. It's cheaper than taking a taxi all the time.
3. You pay the same rate even if you're stuck in a traffic jam.
4. You feel good when you give up your seat for a old man or old woman and they smile at you in thanks.

On Korean roads, the bus driver is the transportation god. He knows no speed limit, is seemingly exempt from even major traffic laws like stopping at red lights, and somhow manages to manuever the brontosaurus he's piloting as if it were the size of a Volkswagon. All other vehicles in the road defer to him...even the huge cement trucks pause with respect when the bus narrowly cuts them off and small vehicles are sometimes left stalled and confused in his wake. The buses go about the city in a never-ending race against time....each trying to outrun the other. Usually when two bus drivers are driving along next to each other, they drive so closely together that it would be easy to play a card game with someone on the opposite bus without actually having to stick your arms out the window.....just your hands...or sometimes....fingers. I love riding the bus. It's probably more thrilling than bungee jumping.

Of course, the bus isn't for anyone. If you don't like large crowds....well, jeez, then why do you want to come to Korea anyway? It's crowded here, okay? You should be thankful when the bus is so tightly packed that you cannot move your least you don't need to hang on, right?