About that Raw Seafood....
Somewhere along the line, you're oging to be tempte dto at least try it, no matter how much you squish up your face in revulsion now. Here are the rules for eating raw seafood. Try to schedule this meal just before vacation. Make sure that you have health insurance. Get a hospital card. Pack a small bag with a change of clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, eating utensils, and a few good books. Yes, I know that Koreans eat raw seafood all the time and rarely have problems. BUT, it's part of their culture. They've ALWAYS eaten it. I think that maybe their bodies have built up a defense mechanism that Westerners just don't have. I've eaten raw seafood twice and ended up in the hospital twice with food poisoning....the second time was a nasty case of e coli.

In case you were wondering, yes, it tasted pretty good. I had the raw fish, raw eel, and I chomped on the wriggling, raw octopus for a while, but the rubbery texture was just too much for me to handle. The e coli came from a rather sweet tasting raw clam. Everyone else at the table ate the clams....but only I got sick. (I was also the only foreigner.)

My advice is to stick to the well-cooked seafood. You can't really avoid it....seafood is thrown into many different dishes. Also, so much of it is SO~ delicious...just be sure it's cooked.
Hospitals here aren't places you necessarily want to visit as a patient.