House of 100 Rooms (May 2000)
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Kangnung's (Gangneung's) House of 100 Rooms, or Songyojong (Romanized more often these days as Seongyojang and sometimes Seonkyojang) is the former home of Nae-beon Lee (1703 - 1781). It's pretty typical housing for an aristocrat of the Choson (Joseon) Dynasty (1392-1910).

Songyojong was built over about 200 years, starting in 1756. That doesn't mean it took that long to make it habitable, but rather that it was built, and then rebuilt and extended over a grand total of two centuries.

Songyojang is now a museum (designated Important Folklore Material No. 5 by the Korean government), with tool and clothing displays. However, unlike most museums, part of it is actually still a home to the current generation of the original family.

The English nickname "House of a Hundred Rooms" is only 99% correct. Songyojang actually has 99 rooms. During the Choson (Joseon) Dynasty, only homes of royalty were allowed to have 100 or more rooms.

You'll find Songyojang and Ojukon (Ojukheon) near Kyongpo (Gyeongpo) Lake in Kangwon Do (Gangwon Province).

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