The Purple Kiss
Let's say that "David" keeps hitting the student sitting next to him. You've told him over and over to stop it, but he doesn't care and gives you that "Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" look. Time for action.

In a very mean voice, say, "David, stop it or teacher will kiss you." (I recommend kissing the air when you say "kiss" just to be sure that the students know what a kiss is.) As the entire class gasps in horror and yet have smiles on their faces, Daivd will seal his mouth shut so tightly that his lips disappear. If, in the next five minutes or so, David hits his neighbor again, immediately go to him saying, "Okay, teacher will kiss you." David will be trying to crawl INTO his desk while the rest of the kids shriek and laugh. Your honor is now at stake. You MUST kiss David at all costs. Capture him and do it. Chances are the offence will not be repeated and the mere threat of a kiss willhave the entire class cowed immediately for days before the threat needs to be carried out again. Be careful not to overuse the kiss threat though. I you do, then I recommend buying the brightest shade of purple, orange, green, or red lipstick you can find. As soon as one student is naughty, tell the whole class to behave or you will kiss them and then dramatically apply the lipstick in front of the class using big gestures, a lot of lipstick and making lots of kissing noises. None of them will want that mark on their faces. It worked for me.

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